Tuesday, October 16, 2012

TB Free!

Why does it have to be so complicated for Americans to live in different countries??? Among all of the assistants here, us Americans have the most paperwork to fill out and other random necessities to take care of. I guess since the Atlantic Ocean separates us from Europe, we are more likely to have TB??? Today, I had my medical exam where literally all they did was scan my lungs to make sure I didn't have any diseases. I passed, phew! Apparently, my lungs meet French standards. There was one doctor there who had these awesome specs on and when he saw my name he starting talking about Marilyn Monroe. I told him that she was my  mom.

Last night we learned how to be eat dinner like a true French person! We made friends a few weeks ago who promised to show us how to eat properly. They brought over various cheeses, meats, breads and naturally, wine. We are all really nervous at first since we didn't know the proper way to eat. They told us what meats tasted best with what wines and what cheeses paired best too. Dinner lasted for about two hours which is very typical for the French. It was great! I could definitely get used to long meals full of bread and cheese. To show our gratitude, we made a French apple tart. We decided that we will have an American Thanksgiving and show them how Americans fill our plates to the brim and gobble it down in under 5 minutes. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Please make a thanksgiving dinner, and eat til it hurts. That's a true American!
