Tuesday, June 28, 2011


for the most part i understand everything that my host family says and when i don't understand one or two words they will normally explain them to me until i find the english meaning or i just nod my head and go along. the other day me and my roommate were talking and we realized there are several things that we understand differently. for example, the other night our host mother was telling us that her son was going to paris for the weekend to see black eyed peas in concert. my roommate thought that she had said her son saw black eyed peas in the airport on his way back to aix. we confirmed her story last night - 1 point for brooke. one of the best misunderstandings was sunday while we were eating lunch. our host mom asked us what time church was at and we told her 5pm. she told us that she was going to town to go to this big market at 3 and she could take us with her and then to church. so naturally we agreed to be ready at 3. well both clara and i thought that she meant the market in the downtown area of aix where the church is - false. once we are in the car and she turns on the highway, we both stare at each other thinking "where in the world is this woman taking us?!" we end up driving about 15 minutes away to this outlet type mall in who-knows-where. i'd never turn down the opportunity to shop, so it was okay with me. once we got to church clara and i started laughing about how neither of us knew where we were going or what we had agreed to do - definitely a humorous trip. this one is probably one of my favorite misunderstandings and for the sake of the person i will protect their identity. so last week a few of us were at a restaurant and the waiter comes up and asks if we would like to hear "le plat du jour" (meaning the special of the day). before any of us could answer "oui, bien sur" this nameless friend starts talking about la plage (the beach) and how it was too cloudy to go that day. the waiter just kinda stares for a minute then gives a little laugh and says that he said le plat du jour not la plage aujourd'hui. naturally this person got really embarrassed but his/her french skills still trump mine any day. oh man i still love that story.

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